When you can't plan much, keep an open mind and an open eye.
Before touching down, we get a splendid view of Miami from above. Very impressive. An archipelago of scyscrapers.
Atlanta Hawks @ Miami Heat, American Airlines Arena
I've been following the NBA for twenty years, but this is the first time I'm watching its players in their natural habitat. Rushing from the airport to the hotel and straight to American Airlines Arena, reason hasn't settled in and I'm taken aback by what I thought were Cavs fans with Lebron shirts walking bravely along Heat fans towards the Arena. Lebron now plays for Miami?! Not the sort of thing the BBC would bother mentioning.
Cheerleaders, half-court shot for a Kia, a drums show, the Heat's own DJ, a t-shirt launcher, it all feels as if the organisers try to justify the extortionate cost of the ticket with side shows.
You hear nothing racier than brief bursts of "Let's Go Heat" and the public address announcer acknowledges the better baskets of the opponents with a comically flat voice. With 82+ games a year and no opponent fans, an NBA game at the beginning of the season feels more civilised than the Ritz's tea room. A few minutes into the game and a series of amazing shots by Lebron and Dwayne remind me what it is all about; style. In the less commercialised European basketball, where winning is all that matters, players attempting such shots usually lose their job.
Back to our hotel and our ridiculously large suite. At the price of a little room in a Salisbury Bed & Breakfast, in Miami you get a 65 sq meter suite at the heart of the Financial District. Huh! Space is clearly not an issue here.
Next morning, pre-breakfast TV and my attention is caught by a televangelist, a well-dressed black man, speaking in an extremely condescending manner that seemed to irritate nobody but me! He was certain that his audience would have missed the key parts that he would be able to explain, and at times would (out of the blue) ask them to repeat a word for no apparent reason. "Whole", say it again ... "whole". And they would IMMEDIATELY and IN ONE VOICE repeat "whole". Americans are usually sceptical, very individual, and, contrary to Europeans, always ask their teacher "why". Not in this case.
Switch off TV. Going to the Everglades. Woohoo!
In the meantime, I notice that cars have no front number plates in Florida. I wonder about the implications of this.
On the way, we listen to an audio guide. Some of the facts mentioned are pretty interesting. For example, in the early 1900s Australian melaleuca trees were introduced in the Everglades for landscaping and to help drain up the water of what was thought to be a river. At the time, it was not known that the Everglades is a large swamp itself. The melaleucas grow to immense forests in the everglades and eliminate all surrounding vegetation. They quickly started displacing native vegetation in a massive scale and the scientists tried to stop them by burning 100,000 of them. The fires themselves helped spread their seeds even futher and they grew into millions. The photo below shows the initial result of the latest effort of the scientists to use biological control.
Other facts were less interesting. 3rd largest natural park, 11th in ..., 7th in ... What's that fascination with rankings in the United States?
The Everglades are the subtropical wetlands of South Florida. Human habitation dates to about 15,000 years ago. Two major tribes eventually formed in and around the Everglades: the Calusa and the Tequesta. After coming into contact with the Spanish in the late 16th century, both declined. Another tribe, the Seminoles, made their living inside the extremely harsh Everglades after being forced there by the U.S. military during the 19th century Seminole Wars.
Most tourists visit the Everglades for the alligators and the airboat ride.
Brickell and Miami Beach (sort of)
Time to explore Miami in daytime. Feeling lucky, we take the bus for South Beach, but miss the area completely and end up outside a hospital in North Beach. I sensed that this would be only the beginning if we didn't rent a car (with satnav), but next day we bumped into a good friend from the past, who offered to drive us around the city. In the meantime, it becomes quite clear that it is not an exaggeration to call Miami a Latin American city. Out of the 360,000 inhabitants, 57% are of hispanic origin. Speaking Spanish here is much more useful than speaking English. In Little Havana, over 90% are Cubans. Expectedly, the food is heavily influenced by the Carribean. Plantains, large fried fish etc. Not bad.
The other striking characteristic of Miami is the spectacular rich-poor divide. 25% are below the poverty level. You constantly see the homeless walking like zombies on ruins of buildings or sleeping right outside the gated island communities of the millionaires. I am told that it was worse 10 years ago. Hard to believe.
Miami gives the impression of a deserted city. Nobody is walking on the pavement. You see nothing but cars. I am told again that it's even worse in Orlando. In Miami, a number of public transport options exist, where you can meet people outside
The photos below are mainly from Brickell, where we stayed. It's the financial district. Notice the beautiful impressionistic reflection on the Bank of America's scyscraper (first photo).
South Beach and Art Deco Historic District
I'm usually not interested in buildings, but I'm a big fan of Art Deco and Miami has hundreds of Art Deco hotels and apartments erected between 1923 and 1943, most in South Beach.
Key Biscayne
Only 15 minutes from Downtown is one of the several keys (quays in British English) that form Miami's dazzling landscape. On the way I take a photo of one of the celebrity-packed islands.
In 1836, during the Second Seminole War, a band of Seminoles attacked the lighthouse while its keeper was away. The assistant keeper,
On the way back, we find a nice spot for a night photo of Miami.
The rest of the trip involved more business than leisure, and meeting old friends who were also in Miami this week. More Latin American food and a shopping mall, where I observe sharply reduced prices compared to the UK, an abundance of shoe stores and not a single bookshop.
Tycoons' houses are usually extravagantly cheesy. Vizcaya on the other hand is inspiring. Everything makes sense, carries its own history and is at the same time beautiful and practical.
I am writing this on the plane back to London, but I need to get some sleep. I am going to work right after we touch down. Closing with a photo I took from the plane. I think it's Lake Okeechobee, the headwaters of the Everglades.