About an hour from London, the Isle of Sheppey has the dubious distinction of being the only part of the UK to have been lost to a foreign power after William the Conqueror's invasion in 1066. In 1667, a Dutch fleet sailing up the Thames Estuary towards the Medway captured the fort at Sheerness and occupied the island for a few weeks.
St Thomas the Apostle, Harty
Elmley Marshes

Elmley Marshes is supposed to be a birdwatcher's paradise, and we did come across a few (birdwatchers), but all I managed to photograph in the one hour we stayed was a juvenile blackbird taking a nap. From then on, there was a lot of reflecting, especially on the merits and shortcomings of bovine life, and accompanying photos, some with and some without film. All in all, it was a nice walk in the countryside.
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